Saturday, October 18, 2014

Sunnah Strikes Back--- Dogs As Pets

The general Recommendation to not make dogs pets in one's house, may have been looked at as a backward idea. Well Here are a few articles to consider. This should give Muslims encouragement to say, Allah and His Messenger Know Best, and when we do not understand the ruling of an issue, its ok, because we have too many cases, where things are questions, and time sides over and over again with the teachings of Islam.

Of course Islam is not a narrow religion or way of life, they are exceptions.  Imam Malik does not consider the saliva of the dogs as impure, but the other three do.

Another reason why you shouldn't kiss your dog: Pets could pass antibiotic resistant infections to humans, scientists warn Many besottted pet owners think nothing of giving their beloved cat or dog a kiss.

And while many aren't deterred by hygiene issues, there's now another off-putting reason to avoid a smooch.
Scientists are to investigate whether pets can transmit antibiotic resistant infections to humans.

The research will be led by Professor Nigel French at Massey University, in New Zealand, who believes the increasing use of antibiotics in animals may be contributing to the global issue of antimicrobial resistance.
Professor Massey said: ‘We will be looking at the risks pets may pose in the transmission of these bacterial diseases that have been identified by the World Health Organisation as a huge and growing public issue.’

Why a smooch with your pooch could make your teeth fall out! Pet owners warned that dogs can pass on gum disease

They say a dog is a man’s best friend – but being overly affectionate with your pet could be bad for your health.
Dog owners who kiss their pets - or let them lick their mouths – could catch gum disease from their pets, experts have warned.

Left untreated, gum disease can turn into periodontitis, an inflammatory disease of the mouth tissue, according to report in the Archives of Oral Biology.

Periodontitis is a severe form of gum disease that affects the tissues that support teeth and hold them in place.

This is because exchanging a smooch could cause a harmful swap of dangerous mouth bacteria.
If left untreated, the jaw bone can decay and small spaces can open up between the gum and teeth. The teeth may become loose and eventually fall out.

Most dogs suffer from periodontitis, though only about 5 per cent will ever develop a cavity.
The warning follows research last year which examined the dental health of dog owners in Japan.

A potentially harmful oral microbe normally found in dogs, but not in humans, was discovered it in 16 per cent of owners 

– usually those who had a close-contact relationships with their dogs.

But germs were also passed from master to pet.

The researchers found ten human periodontitis-related bacteria in their pets. Even low-levels of contact could result in transmission.

However the risk of cross-contamination may depend on the teeth-cleaning habits of both man and dog, Dr Paul Maza, of the College of Veterinary Medicine at Cornell University, told America’s Fox News.
‘Many of the different types of bacteria in dogs and cats are the same type of bacteria as in humans. If owners practice oral hygiene on their pets, such as  brushing their teeth, a pet’s mouth can actually be even cleaner than a human mouth.’

He added that although the grooming technique of pets can cause faecal bacteria in the mouth, it is often swallowed and out of the mouth quickly.

Those who should definitely think about avoiding a kiss include those with a compromised immune system and the elderly.


It's time to reconsider sharing a smooch with your precious pup. According to the Cleveland Plain Dealer, medical evidence suggests diseases can be passed between humans and canines through mouth-to-mouth contact. In other words, pet owners should really avoid kissing their dogs on the mouth.
While it is unlikely that humans can catch anything infectious from dog saliva, it is still possible, according to Dr. Justine Lee. Don't worry - dogs cannot transmit AIDS, HIV, hepatitis or any other high-risk human diseases, but due to dogs' fecal-oral connection, disease transmission is a risk. You can't deny that you've witnessed your dog licking his bottom many times!

Roundworms, which can sometimes result in blindness in children, can be transmitted from dogs to people, as can Leptospirosis, toxoplasmosis, giardiasis, cryptosporidiosis and leishmaniasis85. To be safe, children should keep their mouth and hands away from dogs' mouths.

Despite the unlikelihood of a serious disease being spread to you or your children, you should ensure that your dog is clean, healthy and disease-free. Clean your pet of fecal matter daily, and consult your veterinarian regarding deworming or fecal monitoring and use year-round flea and tick controls. Lastly, teach your children to wash their hands after playing with any animal, and, if nothing else, just close your mouth when kissing your dog.

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